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March 23, 2012

Webinar: Is bad metadata costing you money?

We've planned a webinar that will help identify whether you have a metadata problem, what you can do to fix it, and how to justify the cost.

Despite what some vendors claim, enterprise search platforms rely on good metadata in order to deliver quality results. Yet few organizations have the resources to attack their metadata problems, so findability suffers and users lament "Why don't we use Google?"  Search managers know that even the Google Search Appliance, without quality metadata, can't deliver the internet search experience end users know, love, and trust. Yet it's hard to justify the time and effort to improve metadata in hopes of a better search experience.

In this webinar we will consider the issue of bad metadata, ways to address the problem, and some ideas on what the ROI can be. We will discuss:

  • Do you have a metadata problem?
  • How much is it costing you?
  • What is the risk of bad metadata
  • What tools are available?
  • What will it cost to fix?  
  • What's the ROI of improved metadata?


We're hosting the webinar twice; Wednesday, April 11th at 11AM Pacific time (GMT-7); and again on Thursday, April 12th at 8:30AM Pacific time. Click the link on the appropriate session you'd like to attend.

See you then!


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