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March 29, 2012

Recommind looking to Predictive Coding to improve eDiscovery search

Recommind, the search vendor best known for its focus on eDiscovery, has recently blogged about predictive coding and their use of it in the product line.  What, you may ask, is predictive coding? The blog post above does a good job of providing background and some definition.

Craig Carpenter, the author of the post, makes it clear that predictive coding is an assist for human reviewers; it is technology that is useful in conjunction with people and workflow. It assists the process of identifying critical concepts and using the information - in this case, in a discovery matter.

Autonomy has blasted predictive coding as inferior to its 'meaning based coding'. Now, Autonomy has advertised the strength of its 'meaning based search' for a while now, so whether meaning based coding is something new for them, or a repackaging of the existing IDOL technology, we can't say.

We can say that eDiscovery is a growing field, and we've seen Recommind and hosted eDiscovery vendors like Catalyst (based on Mark Logic) make some big inroads. To have eDiscovery system up and running in days rather than months is a key advantage; and we think these two are among the strong contenders in the market. 

How long before predictive coding finds its way into your search platform's marketing material? Give us a few months and we'll tell you.

Do you see an advantage or disadvantage for meaning based coding over predictive coding?  Let us know.





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