SharePoint Saturday comes to Palo Alto
If you've never been to a SharePoint Saturday event, you really need to find one and check it out. If you're in the San Franscisco Bay Area, you've got to register for the event in just 7 days. We have 30 great talks in six different tracks:
- SharePoint 101: Branding SharePoint sites, creating a social intranet, better search...
- Power Users: Metadata, permissions, the Swiss Army knife Content Query web part...
- Developers: JavaScript based UI, BI, Next-Gen browsers...
- Business Managers: Performance Point, SP IA and Jedi Mind Tricks...
- Administrators: Going Virtual, SQL optimization for SP, Search refiners...
- Special Topics: Hybrid SP - O365 and on-premises; workflow; records management...
All this, imncluding snacks and lunch, is free for all attendees thanks for great sponsors like Pingar, AvePoint, Vizit, New Idea Engineering and more.
Register for SharePoint Saturday Silicon Valley June 2nd today!