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2 posts from October 2012

October 30, 2012

Link to cool story of Lucene/Solr 4.0's new fast Fuzzy Search

Interesting article with lots of links to other good resources.  Tells the story of a lot of open source cross pollination and collaberation, automatons, Levenstein, and even a dash of Python - thanks Mike!


October 26, 2012

Deep Solr in London and New York

Last week I had the pleasure of conducting a workshop at the recent Enterprise Search Summit on open source tools including Solr, Lucene, and some of the commercial products based on these tools. To a lesser extent we also covered ElasticSearch, SearchBloxAlcove9, and a few other platforms, as well as a number of open source and commercial tools that support enterprise search.

One thing many of the attendees had in common was that they had been experimenting with Lucene/Solr for a while, but many were skeptical that they were ready do dive into a deep project on their own.

While that sentiment is no problem for me - after all, we provide services around implementing both open source and commercial search to our customers - I know many companies want to have expertise in-house

For those of you who are looking for those skills, you might be interested in a post I just saw from LucidWorks, They are offering a developer course titled  'Everything you always wanted to know about Solr' in both New York City and in London England during November. If you've been experimenting with Solr in-house (or on your own) for a while now, and you're ready to move to the next level, you might give some thought to registering for one of these classes.

It will cover the usual Solr topics, but also replication, sharding, and all the things you need to know to really use Solr in production search. Take a look and see if it's right for you.