Big data: Salvation for enterprise search?
Or just another data source?
With all the acquisitions we've seen in enterprise search in the last several years, it's no wonder that the field looks boring to the casual observer. Most companies have gone through two or more complex, costly search implementations to a new search platform, users still complain, and in some quarters, there seems to be 'quality of search fatigue'. I acknowledge I'm biased, but I think enterprise search implemented and managed properly provides incredible value to corporations, their employees, and their customers/consumers. That said, a lot of companies seem to treat search as 'fire and forget', and after it's installed, it never gets the resources to get off the ground in a quality way.
It's no surprise then that the recent hype bubble in 'Big Data' has the attention of enterprise search companies as they see a way to convince an entirely new group of technologists that search is the way.
It's certainly true that Hadoop's beginning was related to search - as a repository for web crawler Nutch in preparation for highly scalable indexing in Lucene/Solr no doubt. Hadoop and its zoo* of related tools certainly are designed for nerds. At best, it's a framework that sits on top of your physical disks; worst case it's a file system that does support authentication but not really security (in the LDAP/AFD sense). And it's a great tool to write 'jobs' to manipulate content in interesting ways to a data scientist. How is your Java? Python? Clojure? Better brush up.
The enterprise search vendors of the world certainly see the tremendous interest in Hadoop and 'big data' as a great opportunity to grow their business. And for the right use cases, most enterprise search platforms can address the problem. But remember that, to enterprise search, the content you store in Hadoop is simply content in a different repository: a new data source on the menu.
But remember, big data apps come with all the same challenges enterprise search has faced for years plus a few more. Users - even if data scientists and researchers - think web-based Google is search; and even though - as a group - this demographic may be more intelligent than your average search users, they still expect your search to 'just know". If you think babysitting your existing enterprise search solution is touch, wait until you see what billions of documents does for you.
And speaking of billions of records - how long does your current search take to index your current content? How long does it take to do a full index of your current content? Now extrapolate: how long will it take to index a few billion records? (Note: some vendors can provide a much faster 'pipe' for indexing massive content from Hadoop. Lucidworks and Cloudera are two of the companies I am familiar with; there may be others)
A failure in search? Well, it depends what you want. If you are going to treat Hadoop as a 'Ha-Dump' with all of your log files, all of your customer transactional data, hundreds of Twitter feeds for ever and ever, and add your existing enterprise data, you're going to have some time on your hands while the data gets indexed.
On the other hand, if you're smart about where your data goes, break it into 'data lakes' of related content, and use the right tool for each type of data, you won't be using your enterprise search platform for use cases better served with analytics tools that are part of the Apache Zoo; and you’ll still be doing pretty well. And in that universe, Hadoop is just another data source for search - and not the slow pipe through which all of your data has to flow.
Do you agree?
*If you get the joke, chances are you know a bit about the Apache project and open source software. If not, you may want to hold off and research before you download your first Hadoop VM.