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October 11, 2017

A Search Center of Excellence is still relevant managing enterprise search

I was having a conversation with an old friend who manages enterprise search her organization, a biotech company back east. We've worked together on search projects going back to my days at Verity - for you young'uns, that is what we call BG: 'before Google'.

Based on an engagement we did sometime after Google but before Solr, "Centers of Excellence" or "COE" had become very popular, and we decided we could define the rules and responsibilities of a  Search Center of Excellence or SCOE: the team that manages the full breadth of operation and management for enterprise search. We began preaching the gospel of the SCOE at trade show events and on our blog where you can find that original article.

My friend and I had a great conversation about how successful they had been managing three generations of search platforms now with the SCOE; and how they still maintain the responsibilities the SCOE assumed years back with only a few meetings a year to review how search is doing, address any concerns, and map out enhancements as they become available. 

It worked then, and it works now. The SCOE is a great idea! Let me know if you'd like to talk about it.


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